Home / Schools and Universities affiliation

    Schools and Universities affiliation

    National Team members and University fencing team:

    Alex Cai – Olympian – McGill University
    Annie Lin – Yale Unversity
    Alexandre Lyssov – Youth Olympian – IMEP
    Cindy Gao – Harvard University
    Daniel Li – Yale University
    Donna Vakalis – 3 x Olympian – University of Toronto
    Eleanor Harvey – 2 x Olympian – Ohio University
    Hannah Beach – McGill University
    Joanna Guy – St. John’s University
    Karl Gardner – Queens University
    Mateusz Kozak – University of Gdansk
    Monique Kavelaars – Olympian – York University
    Sahil Bablani – Queens University
    Sebastien Dubois-Didcock – Ryerson University
    Simon Poon – University of California San Diego
    Shirley Wang – Yale University
    Tanya Tygesen – York University
    Ted Vinnitchouk – Yale University
    Vanessa Dib – University of Pennsylvania
    Ying Cao – Cornell University

    Co-Operative High School Credit:
    Student-Athletes who wish to pursue fencing on a post-secondary level ought to consider enrolling into a High Performance Athlete (HPA) Co-Op credit course. Students can enroll in the program at their respective high schools and through the help of Tim Svidnytskiy and Toronto Fencing Club you can receive a high school credit.

    By enrolling into a HPA Co-Op program student-athletes will receive:
    1. Extra time DURING SCHOOL day to focus on improving their grades towards University Applications.
    2. Will have more time dedicated to fencing training
    3. May use this time to prepare for SAT exams
    4. Important to remember, American Universities will consider BOTH the student’s grade and their fencing achievements before offering a spot on the fencing team.

    If you would like to bring fencing to your school and/or work place or would like more details on High Performance Athlete program do not hesitate to contact Tim Svidnytskiy.
    We can bring all equipment and fencing knowledge straight to you; Or you can get fully immersed into fencing at Toronto Fencing Club.

    Coach Tim Svidnytskiy